as if the mind
recalling the mind
itself or another
always the other
reminiscing emptiness
where erring images slide
as the body shears through
wherever you be
you are a gate open
to welcome seas
star or any mountain
hurdling your sight
each breath a circle
vertiginously expanding
enfolds galaxies unknown
returns you
to that single source
spring of your purest request
time and space
not apart from you
your emerging
recalling the mind
itself or another
always the other
reminiscing emptiness
where erring images slide
as the body shears through
wherever you be
you are a gate open
to welcome seas
star or any mountain
hurdling your sight
each breath a circle
vertiginously expanding
enfolds galaxies unknown
returns you
to that single source
spring of your purest request
time and space
not apart from you
your emerging