September 3, 2009


early they sailed off
the boats I dreamed up
with wrecks retrieved
from uneasy tides
of one last sleep

wished their shadow's play
would distract me a while
from the loneliness one feels
drifting through to no end
these crystal flows of indigo

August 30, 2009


yet another
on the journey turned

is that what it’s called
this erring oblivion
of ends and beginnings

not knowing why
not knowing whence
nor whereto from here

questioning no longer
what portent in
sea’s glittering mirrors
sands brushed away on dunes
echo of cries dying in the wind
dreams from threshold
to threshold displacing us


stars’ borrowed light
fadings that precede us

August 29, 2009


here not to grasp
here just to bear
earth upholds us
universe motherly
we can cry our fill
cries heeded and heard

stones hear us
stars hear and entreat us
god hears us
god helps us stand upright
as we cast our lament
in his illumined night

with us in every waill
we could not have cried
had he not wished to hear us
we are the provider’s sigh
echoed in the provider’s ear

we are your tear
your eye
a chaos adrift
mirroring loneliness

August 28, 2009


why should you not
be cradled by palms
profuse with insomnia

metaphors drift asea
where cries are cooled
and aired better

you stand still and stare
beyond pain’s frame
to a pass from one end
to no end leading

sunset afterglow
spans lower skies

you mourning moon
riding tideless nights

August 27, 2009


milestones on this road

journey from where
to nowhere
witnesses to your passing
passers without witness

slowly diffusing
through oblivion
their timid light

what the thunder cries out

what the thunder cries out
the wind need not remember

dormant beneath their spell
in remembrance
rocks may still echo
sea's many voices
and screams

it's a tearing into
in the order of things

night pierced through
spans of dark
tumble over a starlit bay

an opening

remolded into a face

August 26, 2009

om beach

still another return
yet to say
here i was once
now am here again
you can not

you were then not
so much yourself
as now you think you are
abiding nowhere
erring nowhere

erring with the wind
wind intimate
with faded journeys
obliterated paths

secrets too
gain vibrancy
in displacement

gokarna, 21 april 2008

was there

was there truth to it
did i ever exist
perhaps was it you
here or there
now and then
in limbo of dreams
wastes of insomnia

did i see a sun set
from a hazy window
ever hear a bird sing
fusing from a bush
perhaps was it you

how to say i am or was
cannot stay nor say
the further more
the further still
blurred borders of me and you
same source to assertion negation
slow closure of despair
realm of speech retsrained
realm of speech faltering
words in disarray

from absence and presence
things human inhuman
confined to a round of cries
my vioce your voice the voice

the voice
rapid tremor of silence
returned to silence

moor park, california, 21 may 2009