September 3, 2009


early they sailed off
the boats I dreamed up
with wrecks retrieved
from uneasy tides
of one last sleep

wished their shadow's play
would distract me a while
from the loneliness one feels
drifting through to no end
these crystal flows of indigo


alex said...

your poem is really good.

Laetitia said...

really like your blog!
I'm french and I make poetry but I find it most interesting to read poetry in english because of the originality of rythms and rimes...a whole single dynamic that each language can create...
check mine if interested:

Zalea Caine said...

Your good... but perhaps not good enough for my taste. I want poems to make me think, to challenge my brain and show me a truth about myself. But you are good! I am a writer as well, though I do not write poems. Read my blog! (its has nothing to do with writing, however)

oh look, stars! said...

Of all your poems, I like this the best.. the feel of desolation, so complete (:

Mukrim said...

Hi guys i write lovely poems too . so plz dont forget to check it out . and nice blogerring-cloud :)