July 28, 2014

travel provisions

as if the mind
recalling the mind
itself or another
always the other
reminiscing emptiness
where erring images slide
as the body shears through

wherever you be
you are a gate open
to welcome seas
star or any mountain
hurdling your sight

each breath a circle
vertiginously expanding
enfolds galaxies unknown
returns you
to that single source
spring of your purest request

time and space
not apart from you
your emerging

July 27, 2014

exit tower of silence

now that mirrors
lower their glow
pain cedes to rest
now that this body
has been released
you may close your eyes
and watch me freely slide
along the watercourse

i am part of all journeys
here and to come

your blessings
a budding fragrance
guides me home

hardiwar, 2001

July 4, 2014


yet another
on the journey turned

is that what it’s called
this erring oblivion
of ends and beginnings

not knowing why
not knowing whence
nor whereto from here

no longer questioning
what portent to sea’s
glittering mirrors
sands brushed away on dunes
echo of cries dying in the wind


dreams that from threshold
to threshold displace us


stars’ borrowed light
some fading preceding us

arambol, 2007

it was blue

from gold to amber
now for the end flight
cast in glassy brown
oak trees
we shed summer
on these hills
leaf after leaf

leaving you asleep
beneath giant rocks
down a stony trail i move

shadow slithering on scree
i cross the bloodline
of voiceless crows

la rochette, 2005